Why choose our PCR consumables for your laboratory

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology is an important tool for many life science research applications, including genotyping, disease diagnosis, and gene expression analysis. PCR requires specialized consumables to ensure successful results, and high-quality PCR plates are one such critical consumable. In this article, we discuss why you should choose Suzhou Ace Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. PCR consumables, specifically our PCR plates, for your laboratory.

Suzhou Ace Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd is a leading supplier of laboratory consumables with decades of experience in developing and manufacturing innovative products to meet the needs of customers worldwide. We specialize in designing and producing high-quality PCR consumables, including PCR plates, PCR tubes and PCR strip tubes. With our commitment to quality, we have become a trusted partner to many researchers around the world.

One of the key features of our PCR plates is their wide thermal cycler compatibility. Our PCR plates are proven to work with most thermal cyclers on the market, making them a versatile choice for any lab. Additionally, our PCR plates are designed with a high-contrast alphanumeric index for easy well identification. This capability is especially important when using multiple PCR plates simultaneously or analyzing large data sets.

Our PCR plates also feature crystal-clear wells to help you easily verify sample volume, ensuring accurate and consistent results. The ultra-thin, uniform wells of our PCR plates optimize heat transfer and provide higher reaction efficiencies.

Another noteworthy feature of Suzhou Ace Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd’s PCR plates is the variety of plate sealing options available. Our PCR plates are available with films, foils, silicone mats and strip lids, offering a variety of options for sealing your samples. These sealing options reduce sample evaporation during cycling, ensuring reliable, reproducible results.

In conclusion, Suzhou Ace Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. PCR plates are an excellent choice for any laboratory looking for high-quality PCR consumables. Our PCR plates offer broad thermal cycler compatibility, high contrast, alphanumeric indexing, crystal clear wells and plate sealing options. We are committed to quality and customer satisfaction, and choosing PCR consumables from Suzhou Ace Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd. for your laboratory is a wise choice. Contact us today to learn more about our PCR plates and other PCR consumables.

Post time: Apr-24-2023