How do we ensure our products are DNase RNase free and how are they sterilized?

How do we ensure our products are DNase RNase free and how are they sterilized?

At Suzhou Ace Biomedical, we take pride in supplying high-quality laboratory consumables to researchers and scientists around the world. Our commitment to excellence drives us to ensure that our products are free of any contamination that could affect experimental results. In this article, we discuss the stringent measures we take to ensure our products are DNase-RNase-free, as well as the sterilization process they undergo.

DNase and RNase are enzymes that degrade nucleic acids, which are essential molecules involved in various biological processes. DNase or RNase contamination can severely impact experiments, especially those involving DNA or RNA analysis such as PCR or RNA sequencing. Therefore, it is critical to eliminate any potential sources of these enzymes in laboratory consumables.

To achieve DNase-free RNase status, we employ multiple strategies at every stage of the production process. First, we ensure that our raw materials are of the highest quality and free from any DNase RNase contamination. Our comprehensive supplier selection process involves rigorous testing and screening to ensure only the purest materials are incorporated into our products.

Furthermore, we adhere to strict manufacturing practices and quality control measures in our production facilities. Our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility is ISO13485 certified, meaning we follow internationally recognized quality management system standards. This certification not only guarantees the quality of our products, but demonstrates our commitment to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

To prevent DNase RNase contamination during production, we implement a series of decontamination procedures. Our equipment, including pipette tips and deep-well plates, undergoes multiple cleaning and sterilization steps. We employ advanced technologies such as autoclaving and electron beam sterilization to provide high-efficiency sterilization while maintaining material integrity.

Autoclaving is a widely used method of sterilizing laboratory consumables. It involves subjecting the product to high-pressure saturated steam, which effectively eliminates any microorganisms, including DNase and RNase. However, some materials may not be suitable for autoclaving due to their physical properties. In this case, we employ e-beam sterilization, which utilizes a beam of high-energy electrons to achieve sterilization. Electron beam sterilization has high efficiency, does not depend on heat, and is suitable for sterilization of heat-sensitive materials.

To ensure the effectiveness of our sterilization methods, we regularly monitor and validate our processes. We perform microbiological testing to confirm the absence of live microorganisms, including DNase and RNase. These rigorous testing procedures give us confidence that our products are free of any potential contaminants.

In addition to our in-house measures, we also conduct independent testing in cooperation with reputable third-party laboratories. These external testing facilities use highly sensitive techniques to assess our products for DNase RNase contamination and can detect even trace amounts of these enzymes. By subjecting our products to these rigorous tests, we can assure our customers that they are receiving the highest quality and contamination-free laboratory consumables.

At Suzhou Ace Biomedical, our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction drives us to ensure our products are DNase-free and RNase-free. From the careful selection of raw materials to the use of advanced sterilization methods, we spare no effort in our pursuit of excellence. By choosing our products, researchers can have confidence in the reliability and accuracy of their experimental results, ultimately accelerating scientific progress.


Post time: Aug-22-2023